UTC Case Docket Details

Docket Number 230969

Case Docket Details Table
Docket Number TG-230969
Company Stericycle of Washington Inc.
DBA Stericycle
Filing Type Tariff Revision
Industry (Code) Solid Waste (227)
Status Closed
Lead Staff Sharbono, Benjamin (UTC)
Filed Date 11/17/2023
Effective Date 03/15/2024
Summary General rate increase request that generates approximately $2.9 million (25 percent) additional annual revenue for the collection of medical waste services. The Company provides regulated solid waste collection service to approximately 15,000 medical waste customers in Washington State. This is the first general rate increase since the Company’s rates became effective on December 1, 2001.

Event History

  • 03/14/2024 -- Allowed (Commissioner Rendahl moved to issue an Order, in Docket No. TG-230969, allowing tariff revisions filed by Stericycle of Washington, Inc. d/b/a Stericycle on November 17, 2023, as revised on March 11, 2024, to become effective on March 15, 2024, subject to the following conditions: 1) To file a general rate case with an effective date no later than October 1, 2025, allowing the Company to collect updated information, and Staff to ensure the revenues, expenses, and allocations are fair, just, reasonable, and sufficient; 2) To include an income statement that clearly separates regulated and non-regulated revenues and expenses by direct cost tracking or appropriate, non-revenue-based allocation factors. WAC 480-07-520(4)(d) and (e); 3) To provide information about every transaction with an affiliated interest or subsidiary that directly or indirectly affects, modifies, or deviates from the proposed rates, including a full description of the relationship, the terms and amount of the transaction, the length of time the relationship has been ongoing, and an income statement and balance sheet for every affiliated entity. WAC 480-07-520(4)(j); 4) To provide a regulated income statement that clearly separates regulated costs of collection/transportation, processing/disposal, and ancillary charges by direct cost tracking or appropriate, non-revenue-based allocation factors; 5) To provide a list of regulated service rates and ancillary service rates, and the number of times each rate was charged so that when multiplied the regulated revenues for each service is calculated. WAC 480-07-520(4)(b) and (f); 6) To provide a general ledger with clearly identified transactions, aligned with the Uniform System of Accounts for Class A and B Solid Waste Collection Companies. WAC 480-07-520(4)(c). Commissioner Doumit seconded the motion. The motion carried (3:0) )
  • 03/14/2024 -- Closed
  • 03/14/2024 -- Open Meeting
  • 11/27/2023 -- Pending
  • 11/27/2023 -- Open