UTC Case Docket Details

Docket Number 230819

Case Docket Details Table
Docket Number UG-230819
Advice 23-14
Company Northwest Natural Gas Company
DBA NW Natural
Filing Type Tariff Revision
Industry (Code) Natural Gas (150)
Status Closed
Lead Staff Panco, David (UTC)
Filed Date 10/04/2023
Effective Date 01/01/2024
Summary Request to revise Tariff WN U-6 by establishing Schedule 308, Washington Climate Commitment Act Recovery Mechanism, to incorporate into rates the Climate Commitment Act allowance costs and auction proceeds deferred between January 1, 2023, and September 30, 2023, and the costs and proceeds forecast from October 1, 2023 through December 31, 2024. A typical residential customer connected to the system as of July 25, 2021, using 55 therms would see an increase of $7.99 per month. A typical residential customer connected to the system after July 25, 2021, using 55 therms would see an increase of $27.35 per month. Known low-income customers would receive a credit that fully offsets the rate increase.

Event History

  • 12/22/2023 -- Allowed (Commissioner Rendahl moved to issue an order approving the tariff sheets filed by NW Natural on October 4, 2023, and as revised on November 16, 2023, and November 28, 2023, in Docket UG-230819, subject to the following conditions: 1. The costs recovered through these tariffs are subject to review and refund in a future rate setting proceeding. 2. NW Natural shall continue to work with its low-income advisory group to identify additional known low-income customers or automatically enroll low-income customers in a bill discount or bill assistance program. 3. The Company shall continue to work with interested parties and with continuing Commission processes to discuss a risk-sharing mechanism rather than a cost-sharing mechanism. 4. The approval of these tariffs is not precedential and continues to be subject to discussion. Commissioner Doumit seconded the motion. The motion carried (3:0) )
  • 12/22/2023 -- Closed
  • 12/21/2023 -- Open Meeting
  • 10/04/2023 -- Pending
  • 10/04/2023 -- Open