UTC Case Docket Details

Docket Number 230786

Case Docket Details Table
Docket Number UE-230786
Company PacifiCorp
DBA Pacific Power & Light Company
Filing Type Petition
Industry (Code) Electric (140)
Status Closed
Lead Staff Simmons, Jaclynn (UTC)
Filed Date 09/26/2023
Effective Date N/A
Summary Petition for Exemption from WAC 480-100-625 and WAC 480-100-640 and Approval of Alternative Filing Schedule for IRPs and CEIPs.

Event History

  • 11/22/2023 -- Approved (Commissioner Rendahl moved, in Docket No. UE-230786 to make the following three recommendations pertaining to statutory filing requirements and its petition filed on September 26, 2023. • Approve the petition for an exemption from filing deadlines set forth in WAC 480-100-625(1-3) and temporarily extend the work plan, draft IRP, and Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) filing schedules by three months. • Deny exemption from WAC 480-100-640(1) to extend the Clean Energy Implementation Plan (CEIP) filing schedule by three months. • Deny the request for a permanent exemption and alternative filing schedule for the IRP and CEIP in Docket UE-230786 Commissioner Doumit seconded the motion. The motion carried (3:0) )
  • 11/22/2023 -- Closed
  • 11/22/2023 -- Open Meeting
  • 09/26/2023 -- Formal
  • 09/26/2023 -- Open