NOTICE: The UTC office will be closed from 8 a.m. to noon on Wednesday, Nov. 6, 2024. The building will reopen to the public from noon to 5 p.m.

UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing TG - 230778


Document Type Date Description
Order - Initial 11/01/2024 Redacted Initial Order Rejecting Tariff Sheets; Authorizing and Requiring Compliance Filing
Transcript 09/10/2024 Transcript; Volume 4; September 10, 2024; Pages 220-387.
Transcript 09/09/2024 Transcript; Volume 3; September 9, 2024; Pages 92-219.
Brief 10/02/2024 Redacted Post-Hearing Brief, on behalf of Murrey's Disposal Company, Inc dba Olympic Disposal, from Maggi Gruber.
Brief 10/02/2024 Redacted Post-Hearing Brief, on behalf of Staff, from Jeff Roberson.
Response - Bench Request 09/25/2024 Redacted Responses to Bench Request Nos. 1-3, on behalf of Staff, from Colin O'Brien.
Response - Bench Request 09/24/2024 Redacted Response to Bench Request No. 4, on behalf of Murrey's Disposal Company, Inc. d/b/a Olympic Disposal, from David Wiley.
Confidentiality Agreement 09/16/2024 Confidentiality Agreement signed by Mark Gingrich, on behalf of Murrey's Disposal Company, Inc. d/b/a Olympic Disposal, from David Wiley.
Notice - Bench Request 09/12/2024 Notice of Bench Request (Due by 5:00 p.m., September 25, 2024).
Transcript 07/18/2024 Transcript; Volume 2; July 18, 2024; Pages 10-91.
Order - Initial 08/22/2024 Order 07 Denying Petition for Interim Rates and Expedited Review
Notice of Hearing 08/16/2024 Notice Converting Hearing to Virtual (set for Monday, September 9, 2024, at 1:30 p.m.).
Testimony - Errata 08/15/2024 Errata List and Revised Opening Testimonies of Joe Wonderlick and Branko Terzic, on behalf of Murrey’s Disposal, Inc. d/b/a Olympic Disposal from David Wiley.
Exhibit - List 08/16/2024 Cross-Exhibit List, on behalf of Staff, from Jeff Roberson
Exhibit - List 08/15/2024 Cross-Exhibit List and Exhibits on behalf of Murrey's Disposal Company, Inc. dba Olympic Disposal, from Maggi Gruber.
Response 08/06/2024 Response to Staff's Post-Hearing Brief, on behalf of Murrey's Disposal Company, Inc. d/b/a Olympic Disposal, from David Wiley.
Brief 07/29/2024 Post-Hearing Brief, on behalf of Staff, from Jeff Roberson.
Testimony 07/19/2024 Redacted Exhibit JW-7C, on behalf of Murrey's Disposal Co., Inc., from David Wiley.
Notice 07/17/2024 Notice of Substitution of Presiding Officer.
Exhibit - List 07/11/2024 Exhibit List and Exhibits, on behalf of Murrey’s Disposal, Inc. d/b/a Olympic Disposal, from David Wiley.
Exhibit - List 07/11/2024 Redacted Exhibit List and Exhibits, on behalf of Staff, from Jeff Roberson.
Letter 06/28/2024 Letter regarding Cross-Answering testimony, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Robert Sykes.
Testimony 06/28/2024 Rebuttal Testimonies of Joe Wonderlick, Branko Terzic; M. Peter Scontrino, Ph.D. and Belinda Lopes, on behalf of Murreys Disposal Company, Inc dba Olympic Disposal, from David W. Wiley.
Testimony 06/28/2024 Redacted Rebuttal Testimonies of Joe Wonderlick, Branko Terzic; M. Peter Scontrino, Ph.D. and Belinda Lopes, on behalf of Murreys Disposal Company, Inc dba Olympic Disposal, from David W. Wiley.
Notice 06/26/2024 Notice Modifying Procedural Schedule
Order - Other 06/17/2024 Order 06 Granting Staff's Motion for Leave to File Revised Testimony and Exhibit.
Confidentiality Agreement 06/14/2024 Confidentiality Agreement signed by M. Peter Scontrino, Ph.D, on behalf of Murrey's Disposal Company, Inc. d/b/a Olympic Disposal, from Maggi Gruber.
Notice of Hearing 06/13/2024 Notice of Brief Adjudicative Proceeding Setting Time for Oral Statements (Set for July 18, 2024, at 1:30 p.m.).
Response 06/11/2024 Response to Staff's Motion for Leave to Amend Testimony, on behalf of Murrey's Disposal Co. d/b/a Olympic Disposal, from David Wiley.
Motion 06/05/2024 Motion for Leave to File Reply to Staff’s Response in Opposition to Interim Rate Relief, on behalf of Murrey's Disposal Company, Inc. dba Olympic Disposal, from David Wiley.
Confidentiality Agreement 06/06/2024 Confidentiality Agreements for Belinda Lopes and Larry Reback, on behalf of Murrey's Disposal Company, Inc. dba Olympic Disposal, from Maggi Gruber.
Motion 06/04/2024 Redacted Motion for Leave to File Revised Testimony of Benjamin Sharbono, Revised Testimony, Exhibit and Exhibit List, on behalf of Staff, from Colin O'Brien
Confidentiality Agreement 06/03/2024 Confidentiality Agreements signed by Robert Sykes and Jessica Johanson-Kubin, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Brice Hartman.
Notice - Appearance 06/03/2024 Notice of Appearance of Tad Robinson O'Neill, Jessica Johanson-Kubin and Robert Sykes, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Brice Hartman.
Response 05/29/2024 Response to Petition for Interim Rate Relief and Declaration of Colin O’Brien, on behalf of Staff, from Colin O'Brien.
Testimony 05/29/2024 Redacted Testimony, Exhibits and Exhibit List of Benjamin Sharbono, on behalf of Staff, from Jeff Roberson.
Document 05/29/2024 Letter Regarding Testimony, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Tad O'Neill.
Confidentiality Agreement 05/09/2024 Confidentiality Agreement signed by Jackson Lone, on behalf of Staff, from Josephine Strauss.
Document 05/08/2024 Revised Exhibit B to the Petition for Interim Rate Relief, on behalf of Murrey's Disposal Company, Inc. d/b/a Olympic Disposal, from David Wiley.
Petition 05/08/2024 Petition for Interim Rate Relief, on behalf of Murrey's Disposal Company, Inc. d/b/a Olympic Disposal, from David Wiley.
Testimony 04/19/2024 Redacted Response Testimony and Exhibits of Joe Wonderlick, Mark Gingrich and Branko Terzic, on behalf of Murrey's Disposal Company, Inc. d/b/a Olympic Disposal, from David Wiley.
Order - Other 04/18/2024 Order 05 Order to Supplement the Record.
Confidentiality Agreement 04/16/2024 Confidentiality Agreement signed by Christopher Luhrs, on behalf of Murrey's Disposal Company, Inc. d/b/a Olympic Disposal, from David Wiley.
Notice - Appearance 04/16/2024 Notice of Appearance of Christopher Luhrs, on behalf of Murrey's Disposal Company, Inc. d/b/a Olympic Disposal, from David Wiley.
Confidentiality Agreement 04/15/2024 Confidentiality Agreements signed by Jean Marie Dreyer and Stefan de Villiers, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Brice Hartman.
Order - Other 03/29/2024 Order 04 Granting Commission Staff's Motion for Leave to Amend Staff's Motion for a Special Protective Order; Granting Commission Staff's Motion for a Special Protective Order; Bench Requests 1-3.
Confidentiality Agreement 03/28/2024 Confidentiality Agreements signed by Rachel Stark, Jeanine Leggett and Byron Davis, on behalf of Staff, from Jeff Roberson.
Response 03/22/2024 Response to Staff's Motion for Protective Order, on behalf of Murrey's Disposal Company, Inc. d/b/a Olympic Disposal, from David Wiley.
Testimony 03/19/2024 Testimonies of Joe Wonderlick, Mark Gingrich, and Branko Terzic, including Preliminary Exhibit Lists, on behalf of Murrey's Disposal Company, Inc., d/b/a Olympic Disposal, from David Wiley.
Confidentiality Agreement 03/19/2024 Confidentiality Agreements signed by Heather Garland and Branko Terzic, on behalf of Murrey's Disposal Co., Inc. d/b/a Olympic Disposal, from David Wiley.
Motion 03/14/2024 Motion for Leave to Amend, Amended Motion for Special Protective Order, Declaration of Jeff Roberson, on behalf of Staff, from Jeff Roberson
Confidentiality Agreement 03/13/2024 Confidentiality Agreement signed by Scott Sevall, on behalf of Staff, from Jeff Roberson.
Motion 03/12/2024 Motion for Special Protective Order and Declaration of Jeff Roberson, on behalf of Staff, from Jeff Roberson
Transcript 01/24/2024 Transcript; Volume 1; January 24, 2024; Pages 1-9. (via email)
Confidentiality Agreement 02/12/2024 Confidentiality Agreements for Counsel representing Murrey's Disposal Co. Inc. d/b/a Olympia Disposal on behalf of Williams, Kastner and Gibbs PLLC., from David Wiley.
Confidentiality Agreement 02/08/2024 Confidentiality Agreements, on behalf of Staff, from Jeff Roberson
Confidentiality Agreement 02/07/2024 Confidentiality Agreements signed by Corey Dahl, Stephanie Chase, Tad Robinson O'Neil, Brice C. Hartman, and Roman Doyonnas, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Brice Hartman.
Order - Protective 02/05/2024 Order 03 Protective Order
Order - Prehearing Conference 02/05/2024 Order 02 Prehearing Conference Order and Notice of Hybrid Hearing
Notice - Appearance 01/24/2024 Notice of Appearance, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Tad O'Neill.
Notice - Appearance 01/23/2024 Notice of Appearance of Sean D. Leake on behalf of Murrey's Disposal Company, Inc. d/b/a Olympic Disposal, from David W. Wiley.
Notice of Hearing 01/08/2024 Notice of Prehearing Conference (Set for January 24, at 1:30 p.m.)
Notice - Appearance 01/03/2024 Notice of Appearance for Jeff Roberson and Colin O'Brien, on behalf of Staff, from Jeff Roberson
Notice - Appearance 01/03/2024 Notice of Appearance for Jeff Roberson and Colin O'Brien, on behalf of Staff, from Jeff Roberson
Notice - Appearance 01/02/2024 Notice of Appearance of David Wiley and Bradley Bartlett, on behalf of Murrey's Disposal Company, Inc. d/b/a Olympic Disposal. (via web portal)
Notice 12/21/2023 Customer Notices, on behalf of Murrey's Disposal Company, Inc. d/b/a Olympic Disposal, from Brian Vandenburg. (via web portal)
Order - Open Meeting Final 12/21/2023 Order 01 Complaint and Order Suspending Tariff Revisions.
Open Meeting Memo 12/21/2023 Open Meeting Memo for the December 21, 2023 Open Meeting.
Letter 12/13/2023 Request to Remove the November 16, 2023 Document Posting, on behalf of Murrey's Disposal Co., Inc. d/b/a Olympic Disposal, from Brian Vandenburg. (via web portal)
Workpapers 11/16/2023 Workpapers, on behalf of Murrey's Disposal Company, Inc. d/b/a Olympic Disposal, from Brian Vandenburg. (via web portal)
Replacement Page 11/16/2023 Replacement Pages, on behalf of Murrey's Disposal Company, Inc. d/b/a Olympic Disposal, from Brian Vandenburg. (via web portal)
Letter 11/15/2023 Request to Extend the Effective Date to January 01, 2024, on behalf of Murrey's Disposal Company, Inc. d/b/a Olympic Disposal, from Brian Vandenburg. (via web portal)
Letter 10/19/2023 Request to Extend the Effective Date to December 01, 2023, on behalf of Murrey's Disposal Company, Inc. d/b/a Olympic Disposal, from Brian Vandenburg. (via web portal)
Compliance 09/29/2023 Redacted Data Request, on behalf of Murrey’s Disposal Co., Inc. d/b/a Olympic Disposal, from Brian Vandenburg. (via web portal)
Workpapers 09/15/2023 Redacted Workpapers, on behalf of Murrey's Disposal Company, Inc. d/b/a Olympic Disposal, from Brian Vandenburg. (via web portal)
Initial Filing 09/15/2023 Revises Tariff No. 25, on behalf of Murrey's Disposal Company, Inc. d/b/a Olympic Disposal, from Brian Vandenburg. (via web portal)