UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing TS - 230253


Document Type Date Description
Order - Open Meeting Final 04/25/2024 Order 02 Granting Temporary Discontinuance of Service, Subject to Conditions.
Petition 04/12/2024 Petition for Temporary Discontinuance, on behalf of San Juan Express, Inc., from David Wiley.
Letter 03/25/2024 Request for a brief continuance of the time to inform the commission of resuming service between Friday Harbor and Seattle, on behalf of San Juan Express, Inc. d/b/a San Juan Express, from David Wiley.
Letter - Staff Compliance Response 01/09/2024 Staff letter to report compliance with ordered reporting by San Juan Express, Inc.
Letter 01/02/2024 Update on Potential Restart of Friday Harbor Service, on behalf of San Juan Express, Inc., from Matthias Pahnke. (via web portal)
Order - Open Meeting Final 05/15/2023 Order 01, Granting Temporary Discontinuance of Service, Subject to Conditions
Initial Filing 04/04/2023 Petition to temporarily discontinue commercial passenger ferry service during the 2023 summer sailing season, on behalf of San Juan Express, Inc. d/b/a San Juan Express, from David Wiley. (via web portal)