UTC Building Closed on Wednesday, Nov. 6
The office will reopen to the public with normal business hours on Thursday, Nov. 7.
The office will reopen to the public with normal business hours on Thursday, Nov. 7.
Document Type | Date | Description |
Order - Final | 12/08/1999 | Order Approving Negotiated Amended Paging Connection Agreement.
Agreement | 07/08/1999 | Paging Connection Agreement between U S WEST and AirTouch Paging from Lisa Anderl. (Disk provided & posted)
Order - Other | 07/01/1999 | Commission Order Modifying Arbitrator's Report, and Approving Interconnection Agreement with Modifications.
Transcript | 06/24/1999 | Volume IV; June 22, 1999; pages 650-711. (Billing 11-2-99)
Petition | 05/11/1999 | Petition for Clarification of a Portion of the Arbitrator's Report and Decision on behalf of AirTouch Paging from Stellman Keehnel. (FAX) (Hardcopy & disk rec'd 5/11/99)
Order - Other | 04/28/1999 | Arbitrator's Report and Decision.
Brief | 04/02/1999 | Post Hearing Brief on behalf of U S WEST from Lisa Anderl. (Disk provided & posted - non confidential portions only)
Brief | 04/02/1999 | Post Hearing Brief on behalf of Airtouch Paging from Stellman Keehnel, Richard Busch, Carl Northrop and Christine Crowe. (FAX) (Hardcopy rec'd 4/5/99 & disk - posted)
Transcript | 03/24/1999 | Volume 3; March 18, 1999; pages 333-649. (Billing 4-5-99)
Transcript | 03/23/1999 | Volume 2; March 17, 1999; pages 70-332. (Billing 4-5-99)
Transcript | 03/15/1999 | Volume 1; March 10, 1999; page4s 1-69. (Billing 5-10-99)
Testimony | 03/10/1999 | Supplemental Rebuttal Testimony of Jerrold Thompson on behalf of U S WEST from Lisa Anderl. (Disk provided & posted)
Testimony | 02/24/1999 | Testimony of Mark Reynolds, Jerrold Thompson, Dr. William Taylor, Kathryn Malone and Edward Peters and Recurring and Nonrecurring DID Termination Cost Studies on behalf of U S WEST from Lisa Anderl. (Disks provided & posted - confidential cost study disk not posted0
Exhibit | 02/16/1999 | Exhibit 4 to the Response to Petition of AirTouch Paging for Arbitration U S WEST filed on January 29, 1999 on behalf of U S WEST from Lisa Anderl. (Disk provided & posted)
Order - Prehearing Conference | 02/08/1999 | First Supplemental Order on Prehearing Conference.
Response | 01/29/1999 | Response to Petition for Arbitration on behalf of U S WEST from Lisa Anderl. (Disk provided & posted)