UTC Building Closed on Wednesday, Nov. 6

The office will reopen to the public with normal business hours on Thursday, Nov. 7.

UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing UT - 990300


Document Type Date Description
Order - Final 12/08/1999 Order Approving Negotiated Amended Paging Connection Agreement.
Agreement 07/08/1999 Paging Connection Agreement between U S WEST and AirTouch Paging from Lisa Anderl. (Disk provided & posted)
Order - Other 07/01/1999 Commission Order Modifying Arbitrator's Report, and Approving Interconnection Agreement with Modifications.
Transcript 06/24/1999 Volume IV; June 22, 1999; pages 650-711. (Billing 11-2-99)
Petition 05/11/1999 Petition for Clarification of a Portion of the Arbitrator's Report and Decision on behalf of AirTouch Paging from Stellman Keehnel. (FAX) (Hardcopy & disk rec'd 5/11/99)
Order - Other 04/28/1999 Arbitrator's Report and Decision.
Brief 04/02/1999 Post Hearing Brief on behalf of U S WEST from Lisa Anderl. (Disk provided & posted - non confidential portions only)
Brief 04/02/1999 Post Hearing Brief on behalf of Airtouch Paging from Stellman Keehnel, Richard Busch, Carl Northrop and Christine Crowe. (FAX) (Hardcopy rec'd 4/5/99 & disk - posted)
Transcript 03/24/1999 Volume 3; March 18, 1999; pages 333-649. (Billing 4-5-99)
Transcript 03/23/1999 Volume 2; March 17, 1999; pages 70-332. (Billing 4-5-99)
Transcript 03/15/1999 Volume 1; March 10, 1999; page4s 1-69. (Billing 5-10-99)
Testimony 03/10/1999 Supplemental Rebuttal Testimony of Jerrold Thompson on behalf of U S WEST from Lisa Anderl. (Disk provided & posted)
Testimony 02/24/1999 Testimony of Mark Reynolds, Jerrold Thompson, Dr. William Taylor, Kathryn Malone and Edward Peters and Recurring and Nonrecurring DID Termination Cost Studies on behalf of U S WEST from Lisa Anderl. (Disks provided & posted - confidential cost study disk not posted0
Exhibit 02/16/1999 Exhibit 4 to the Response to Petition of AirTouch Paging for Arbitration U S WEST filed on January 29, 1999 on behalf of U S WEST from Lisa Anderl. (Disk provided & posted)
Order - Prehearing Conference 02/08/1999 First Supplemental Order on Prehearing Conference.
Response 01/29/1999 Response to Petition for Arbitration on behalf of U S WEST from Lisa Anderl. (Disk provided & posted)