UTC Case Docket Details

Docket Number 220565

Case Docket Details Table
Docket Number UE-220565
Company Avista Corporation
DBA Avista Utilities
Filing Type Tariff Revision
Industry (Code) Electric (140)
Status Closed
Lead Staff Brewer, Molly (UTC)
Filed Date 07/27/2022
Effective Date 08/26/2022
Summary Less than Statutory Notice to revise electric Tariff WN U-28, Schedule 92, adding an Automatic Hardship Grant which mimics the criteria of the existing Emergency Share offering. The current one-time grant, not to exceed $350 per customer, will be automatically administered to households with arrears greater than 60 days, a balance greater than $100, and who have not received the Company's energy assistance programs in the 2021-2022 program year. The new grant does not have a rate impact.

Event History

  • 08/11/2022 -- Approved/LSN (Commissioner Rendahl moved to issue an order approving Avista’s modification to its Low-Income Rate Assistance Program (LIRAP) and allowing the revisions to Schedules 92 and 192 filed by Avista on July 27, 2022, in Dockets UE-220565 and UG-220566 to become effective with less than statutory notice, on August 11, 2022. Chairman Danner seconded the motion. The motion carried (2:0))
  • 08/11/2022 -- Closed
  • 08/11/2022 -- Open Meeting
  • 07/27/2022 -- Pending
  • 07/27/2022 -- Open