UTC Case Docket Details

Docket Number 210461

Case Docket Details Table
Docket Number UG-210461
Company Puget Sound Energy
Filing Type Staff Investigation
Industry (Code) Natural Gas (150)
Status Closed
Lead Staff Rector, Andrew (UTC)
Filed Date 06/18/2021
Effective Date N/A
Summary Conservation Potential Assessment for the 2022-2023 biennium, pursuant to RCW 80.28.380.

Event History

  • 10/14/2021 -- Close (Commissioner Rendahl moved that the Commission in Docket UG-210461, issue an order approving the Conservation Potential Assessments for the 2021-2023 biennium, subject to Condition 1 in attachment A to staff memo which states: 1) Increase Transparency of Subsequent CPA Filings. - The Company will file the full CPA model (confidentiality where necessary) with the Commission when seeking approval of the CPA. The Company will coordinate one or more structured, technical discussions as the CPA is developed to discuss the CPA model with Commission staff, other interested stakeholders, and the independent third party performing the CPA. The Company will work with Staff to establish a timeline and additional supporting documentation required for Staff review. Commissioner Balasbas seconded the motion. The motion carried. (3:0))
  • 11/02/2021 -- Closed
  • 10/14/2021 -- Open Meeting
  • 06/18/2021 -- Pending
  • 06/18/2021 -- Open