UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing TG - 210446


Document Type Date Description
MASTER SERVICE LIST 07/29/2021 Master Service List
Order - Open Meeting Final 07/29/2021 Order 01 Authorizing Revenue Sharing for Recyclable Commodities Revenue; Allowing Recyclable Commodity Credit Adjustment.
Document 06/15/2021 Commodity Revenue Sharing Enhancement Plan, on behalf of King County, from Natalie Caulkins. (via email)
Workpapers 06/14/2021 Workpapers, on behalf of Rabanco LTD d/b/a Rabanco Companies; Eastside Disposal and Rabanco Connections, from Rick Waldren. (via web portal)
Initial Filing 06/14/2021 Revises Tariff No. 11, on behalf of Rabanco LTD d/b/a Rabanco Companies; Eastside Disposal and Rabanco Connections, from Rick Waldren. (via web portal)