UTC Case Docket Details

Docket Number 940120

Case Docket Details Table
Docket Number UT-940120
Company Southern Pacific Telecommunications Company
Filing Type Registration
Industry (Code) Telecommunications (170)
Status Closed
Lead Staff Teri Wallace
Filed Date 01/27/1994
Effective Date 05/26/1999
Summary Supplemental application of Qwest Communications Corporation to amend registration to include prepaid calling card service.

Event History

  • 03/05/1994 -- End of Pending - Reconsideration
  • 05/26/1999 -- Approved (Approved per Consent Agenda.)
  • 05/07/1999 -- Re-open (Previous summary: Supplemental application of Qwest Communications Corporation to amend registration to include local exchange services.)
  • 03/31/1999 -- Approved (Approved per Consent Agenda.)
  • 02/12/1999 -- Re-open (Previous Summary: Application for registration as a telecommunications company. Southern Pacific Telecommunications Company, a long distance reseller, is headquartered in San Francisco, California.)
  • 02/23/1994 -- Approved (Approved per consent agenda.)