UTC Building Closed on Wednesday, Nov. 6

The office will reopen to the public with normal business hours on Thursday, Nov. 7.

Change Your Company Name

Water, Gas, Electric and Telecommunications Companies

If the company is changing its name due to a transfer of ownership, the transfer of property statute (RCW 80.12) may apply and require approval of the UTC before the transfer can occur. Any filing to change the company's name should be made after the UTC has approved the transfer itself.

  1. File with the Department of Licensing (360-902-3600) and the Secretary of State office (360-753-7115) an updated company name including any d/b/a.
  2. File a complete tariff with new name on every page and an advice letter describing the name change filing with the UTC. (ABC Utility Company is changing its name to ABC Utility Company d/b/a The Alphabet Utility.) (WAC 480-80-103)
  3. If the company is unable to file a complete tariff with the new name on every page at this time, it must:
    1. File an adoption notice with the UTC (WAC 480-80-133) for your existing tariff; and
    2. File a complete tariff with the new name on every page with the UTC within one year of the effective date of the adoption notice.
  4. Any other tariff filings made between the effective date of the adoption notice and the filing of the new tariff must show the new name at the bottom of each page and the old name at the top of each page.

Competitively Classified Telecommunications Companies

  1. File an updated company name including any d/b/a with the Department of Revenue (360-705-6741) and the Secretary of State (360-753-7115).
  2. File an advice letter describing the name change with the UTC - "ABC Telecom is changing its name to ABC Telecom d/b/a The Alphabet Company." Include a copy of your amended certificate from the Department of Revenue or the Secretary of State office in the filing.
  3. Include any new contact information (name, address, telephone number, Internet address, e-mail) that may have changed.
  4. The name change is effective on one day notice.