UTC Building Closed on Wednesday, Nov. 6

The office will reopen to the public with normal business hours on Thursday, Nov. 7.

Annual Report Forms by Industry

Regulated Company Survey

Take the Survey
Tell us how we are doing and help us improve our business performance.

Electronic Filing

E-File Form
Electronically file annual reports.

Make a Payment

Online Payment Form
After filing annual report documents, make a payment using the Online Payment Form.

Below are links to the 2023 annual report forms. Annual reports and regulatory fee payments must be received by the commission no later than May 1. Electronic filing and online payments are recommended.

Email the Annual Reports Team if you submit your report online and do not receive a "Successful Submission" automatic reply, or if you have any questions regarding annual reports. 

Utility Companies Annual Report Forms

Energy Companies

Water Companies


Transportation Companies Annual Report Forms

Household Goods Carrier Companies

Passenger Companies

Specialized Companies

Solid Waste Companies

Railroad Companies