UTC Building Closed on Wednesday, Nov. 6

The office will reopen to the public with normal business hours on Thursday, Nov. 7.

Energy Resources List

Note: These links to energy-related web sites are provided as a convenience to UTC customers. The commission does not endorse any product, service, or viewpoint contained on them. Scroll down the page, or use the listing of categories below.

Northwest Utilities

Electric Utilities

Gas Utilities



  • BC CAS - British Columbia Crown Agencies Secretariat is the main centre for financial and economic analysis of Crown operations; the Secretariat also plays a role in formulating and communicating Cabinet policy directives to Crown corporations.
  • BC MEM - British Columbia Ministry of Energy & Mines.
  • BCOGC - British Columbia Oil & Gas Commission regulates natural gas exploration and development.
  • BCUC - British Columbia Utilities Commission.
  • OPUC - Oregon Public Utility Commission.
  • CPUC - California Public Utility Commission.
  • IPUC - Idaho Public Utility Commission
  • NARUC - National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners represents public utility and transportation commissions (PUCs) in the US and Canada. See NARUC's Electricity Committee, Gas Committee, and PUC links.

Washington State Agencies

  • EFSEC - The Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council is the permitting authority for energy facilities over 350 mW in Washington State. Their site includes current applications.
  • Energy Policy Group is a division of the Washington State Department of Commerce.
  • Energy Program at Washington State University offers a variety of energy services to businesses and homes in Washington.

Regional Agencies

  • NWPCC - The Northwest Power and Conservation Council is a four-state compact (Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington) which oversees electric power system planning and fish and wildlife recovery in the Columbia river basin.
  • WECC - Western Electricity Coordinating Council coordinates and promotes electric system reliability in the western United States, Canada, and Mexico.
  • WIEB - Western Interstate Energy Board, an association of Western states and Canadian provinces.

Federal Agencies

  • DOE - US Department of Energy.
  • EIA - The Energy Information Administration offers official energy statistics from the US government.
  • FERC - The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission regulates transmission and wholesale prices of natural gas, oil, and electricity in interstate commerce, and licenses and inspects hydroelectric projects.
  • NOAA - The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration includes the National Weather Service and National Marine Fisheries Service.

Energy Statistics and Data

  • 6560 Study - The Washington State Electricity System Study (1998) is a comprehensive overview prepared by the WUTC and Energy Policy Group.
  • Consumer Price Index from the Bureau of Labor Statistics includes energy price information.

Energy Pricing

  • Bloomberg Energy is a subscription service which offers some free price data and news.
  • Energy Online courtesy LGC Consulting offers some free price data and news.
  • PowerMarketers.Com provides electricity and natural gas PRICES, news, and other energy industry information from The Power Marketing Association.

Natural Gas

  • AGA - American Gas Association represents gas utilities
  • GT I - Gas Technology Institute provides products and services related to natural gas.


Renewable Resources

  • AWEA - American Wind Energy Association advocates the development of wind energy as reliable, environmentally superior energy alternative. In particular, see AWEA's wind energy development database for Washington State.
  • Green Power Network from DOE provides news on green power markets and utility green pricing programs - both domestic and international.
  • Northwest Environmental Advocates work to protect and restore water and air quality, wetlands, and wildlife habitat, and to stimulate the development of renewable energy sources.
  • NREL - National Renewable Energy Laboratory, DOE's laboratory for renewable energy and energy efficiency research, development and deployment.
  • Washington Solar Energy Industries Association promotes the effective use of solar energy in Washington State through education and training.
  • Solar Washington Chapter of the American Solar Energy Society (ASES)

Dams, Fish, and the Environment

  • American Rivers is a non-profit organization for the protection and restoration of healthy natural rivers and the variety of life they sustain.
  • Atlantic Salmon Federation is an international non-profit organization promoting conservation and wise management of the wild Atlantic salmon and its environment.
  • Natural Resources Council of Maine works to protect, conserve and restore Maine's environment.
  • River Alliance of Wisconsin is a non-profit, non-partisan group which advocates for the protection, enhancement and restoration of the state's rivers and watersheds.
  • Trout Unlimited aims to conserve, protect and restore North American trout and salmon fisheries and their watersheds.

Global Climate Change

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