UTC Building Closed on Wednesday, Nov. 6

The office will reopen to the public with normal business hours on Thursday, Nov. 7.

Household Goods Carriers

Transportation of household goods means the for-hire movement of household goods by motor vehicle over the public highways within the state of Washington.

This includes providing estimates, arranging for receipt, delivery, storage in transit, handling, and providing any accessorial services in connection with that movement.

Companies We Regulate

Transportation News



The Motor Carrier Safety Program provides safety oversight of privately-owned companies that provide transportation services within Washington state.

Information for Companies




Estimated processing time for a complete application is about 1.3 days. Incomplete applications can take an average of 28 days to process which includes mandatory training.  

You must attend a commission-sponsored training prior to receiving your provisional permit. Please see the upcoming dates.

If you cannot wait until the next training, you may come to a commission-sponsored orientation, however, you will also be required to attend a later training. 

 Application Forms

 Resources for Movers

Alternate Time Recording Form

Carriers who choose to bill minimums other than those approved in Tariff 15-C must complete and submit the Alternate Time Recording form. Alternate selections become effective five business days after the form is submitted to Docket TV-230500 though the eFiling portal at https://efiling.utc.wa.gov/Form. Fill in the required fields on the eFiling form in the Filing Type field select “Other”  then pick docket number 230500. If you complete all the company information fields at the bottom of the Alternate Time Recording form, you do not need to submit a cover letter. Alternative time recording selections cannot be more than what is currently approved in Tariff 15-C, alternate time recording selections can only be less than provisions currently approved in Tariff 15-C.

For More Information

Email: Licensing Services with questions about the application process and insurance

Or Phone: 360-664-1222

Email: Consumer Protection with tariff and rule questions

Mailing Address

P.O. Box 47250
Olympia, WA 98504-7250