NOTICE: The UTC office will be closed from 8 a.m. to noon on Wednesday, Nov. 6, 2024. The building will reopen to the public from noon to 5 p.m.

Class B CLEC Reporting Requirements

LEC, Class B, Competitive Companies

Report Rule Reporting Period Due Date Requirements
Financial Reports        
Annual Report for Competitive Companies 480-120-382 yearly 1-May required
Access Charge and Universal Service Reports        
Demand units 480-120-399 (1)(a) yearly 1-Jul waived 480-121-063
State certification requirements 480-120-399 (2) yearly 31-Aug waived 480-121-063
Service Quality Performance Reports        
Missed appointments 480-120-439 (3) monthly within 30 days exempt
Basic service activation/installation 480-120-439 (4) monthly within 30 days maintain data
Basic service activation/installation 480-120-439 (4)(a) quarterly within 30 days exempt
Basic service activation/installation 480-120-439 (4)(b) Six months within 30 days exempt
Major outages 480-120-439 (5) as needed within 10 days required (Oral reports may be requested at any time)
Summary trouble 480-120-439 (6) monthly within 30 days maintain data
Switching 480-120-439 (7) monthly within 30 days maintain data
Trunk blocking 480-120-439 (8) monthly within 30 days maintain data
Repair (Service interruptions/impairments) 480-120-439 (9) monthly within 30 days maintain data
Response time 480-120-439 (10) as requested n/a maintain data
Property Transfer Reports        
Property transfers over threshold 480-143-180 as needed before transfer or disposal waived 480-121-063
property transfers under threshold 480-143-190 yearly 1-Mar waived 480-121-063
Securities and Affiliated Interests Reports        
Securities transactions 480-120-365 as needed within 30 days waived 480-121-063
Securities transactions 480-120-389 (2) yearly 30-Apr waived 480-121-063
Affiliated interest transactions 480-120-395 yearly 1-Jun waived 480-121-063
Miscellaneous Reports        
Service extension when applicable 480-120-071 (4)(b)(i)     every six months, only when service extension tariff based on estimates in in effect AND so ordered by WUTC
Commission-referred complaints 480-120-166     as needed