UTC Building Closed on Wednesday, Nov. 6

The office will reopen to the public with normal business hours on Thursday, Nov. 7.

Become a Volunteer

Each year, Washington Operation Lifesaver trained Volunteers conduct free programs on rail safety education for audiences in large and small communities across the state. Why not join them?

Become a Volunteer

You can help make your community safer by becoming an Operation Lifesaver Authorized Volunteer (OLAV). 

Steps to becoming an Operation Lifesaver Authorized Volunteer (OLAV)

  • Prospective Volunteers fill out and submit the online OLAV application, which is then reviewed by their Operation Lifesaver State Coordinator. Applicants will receive an email telling them how to go to the next step in the process, the online classroom training.
  • Next, applicants complete the online classroom, “The AVE” (Authorized Volunteer e-Learning), which is available 24/7, whenever it fits YOUR schedule.  You can save your progress in the online training module, and are encouraged to complete it over more than one session.
  • After completing the AVE online classroom, your state coordinator will contact you to schedule the next step to complete the OLAV process.
  • Authorized volunteers will report their safety activities via Operation Lifesaver’s online reporting database, so they can easily keep track of their presentations, training and special events.
  • With the new OLAV program, OL volunteers will have more options to choose from for interacting with an audience.
  • Volunteers must fully understand and agree to abide by all OLI general policies and procedures as stated in the volunteer application.

View/complete the OLAV Online Application