Who Must Register
The UTC regulates and registers companies that provide telecommunications services for hire, sale or resale within the state of Washington.
The following service providers do not need to register:
- City-owned networks and Public Utility Districts that provide telecommunications;
- Shared Telephone Providers in apartment buildings, resorts, etc.;
- Systems integrators, who re-sell some services as part of an equipment package; or
- Companies with some presence in Washington but no customers in the state.
When to Register
After registering the business, and before beginning operations in Washington state.
How to Register
- Register the company as a business in Washington.
- See the "Doing Business" web page at access.wa.gov.
- If the company will be digging, hanging cable, etc. additional licenses such as a contractor's license may be necessary. The company may register with the UTC while obtaining other licenses.
- Fill out the UTC's
Registration Application
- Remember to check the right box under "Competitive Classification" if the company faces competition. Competitive companies are subject to minimal regulation, non-competitive companies are not.
- Provide the UBI number from the Business Licensing Services at 1-800-451-7985
- Obtain or prepare a balance sheet and an annual report (if available) for the company.
- Audited financials are not needed in order to be registered, but a balance sheet is required at a minimum.
- The financial information filed should show that the company is financially capable of providing the services it plans to offer.
- If the company is a new subsidiary, it can use the financial information of the parent company, if the parent also provides a letter guaranteeing the new company's obligations.
- Submit the information to the UTC electronically through the Records Center Web Portal. For more information on filing, visit our Online Records Center. For assistance contact the Records Center at (360) 664-1234 or records@utc.wa.gov.
- If UTC staff have questions they will contact the company representative at the number listed on the application. If not, staff will send a letter and certificate within 30 days from application submission.
- Upon receipt of the application, a confirmation certificate with a docket number will be sent to the company. Check the status of the registration or print a backup copy of the certificate by entering this docket number on our main web page.
- Remember to file an annual report and pay the required annual regulatory fees.
Electronically File Form(s) and Cover Letter(s)
Rules and Statutes
Washington State laws and rules governing telecommunications companies include: