UTC begins process to update motor carrier safety rules

Docket Number: T-220252

Agency requests public comments on existing rules

LACEY, Wash. - Today the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission announced plans to update its motor carrier safety rules, kicking off the first step in the formal process to align its rules with those of other state and federal transportation agencies. 

The commission started the rule review in response to a report from its Transportation Safety staff that identified UTC rules that either overlapped, were inconsistent with, or created confusion alongside commercial vehicle rules from the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). 

The UTC plans to consider changes to the existing safety rules for household goods movers, passenger transportation carriers, and solid waste collection companies in the following chapters of the Revised Code of Washington: 

  • 480-15 
  • 480-30 
  • 480-70 

The UTC, WSP, and FMCSA have intersecting roles related to motor carrier safety, and it has been 20 years since state agencies conducted an industrywide rule review for motor carrier safety. 

The UTC anticipates having draft rules available for public comment by the end of 2022.  

In its notice, the commission requested public feedback on ten questions related to the clarity and consistency of the existing rules. To respond, submit written comments in .pdf format online at www.utc.wa.gov/e-filing.  

Public workshop 

The rulemaking team will hold a virtual public workshop to discuss potential rule changes at 9 a.m. on Oct. 11 via Zoom.   


A rulemaking is a formal process where Washington state agencies adopt or update specific guidelines to clarify, apply, or enforce Washington state laws. 

The rulemaking process will take approximately one year. 

The UTC regulates the rates and services of household goods movers; passenger transportation companies; investor-owned electric, natural gas, garbage, and water utilities; landline telecommunications companies; garbage haulers; commercial ferries; pipeline companies; marine pilotage; and a low-level radioactive waste repository.  


Garbage and Recycling
Household Goods Carriers