UTC Case Docket Details

Docket Number 220218

Case Docket Details Table
Docket Number UW-220218
Company Great Basin Water Co.
Filing Type Tariff Revision
Industry (Code) Water (160)
Status Closed
Lead Staff Hammond, Greg (UTC)
Filed Date 03/28/2022
Effective Date 07/01/2022
Summary General rate increase request that, as initially proposed would have generated approximately $108,000 (32.1 percent) additional annual revenue for water service. Staff and the Company have agreed to a revised revenue requirement of approximately $80,000 (23.9 percent) in additional annual revenue. The company is combining the operations of the former Harrison-Ray Water Company, Harrison Water Company-Kiona, LLC, and Sunrise Acres Water Services, LLC water systems into a single tariff, utilizing single tariff rates. The requested increase is due to increases in contracted services, general operating, utility, and wage expenses. The company is also seeking to increase ancillary charges. The company provides regulated water service to approximately 483 customers in Benton and Walla Walla Counties. The most recent rate increases for the former Harrison-Ray Water Company and Harrison Water Company-Kiona systems was in 2008 and 2004, respectively. The former Sunrise Acres system has not changed rates since it became regulated in 2018.

Event History

  • 06/30/2022 -- Allowed (The Commissioner’s moved to take no action thereby allowing the tariff pages filed by Great Basin Water Company, LLC on March 28, 2022, and revised on June 24, 2022, to take effect on July 1, 2022, by operation of law and order the company to work with commission staff and public counsel to work to revise tariff language to clarify the application of the disconnection fee and make clear that only one of either the disconnection fee or the reconnection fee apply in specific situations and to file that revised tariff language within 30 days of this meeting. Chairman Danner seconded the motion. The motion carried (2:0) )
  • 08/02/2022 -- Closed
  • 05/26/2022 -- Continued (This item is continued to the June 16, 2022 open meeting.)
  • 06/30/2022 -- Open Meeting
  • 05/26/2022 -- Open Meeting
  • 03/30/2022 -- Pending
  • 03/30/2022 -- Open