UTC Building Closed on Wednesday, Nov. 6

The office will reopen to the public with normal business hours on Thursday, Nov. 7.

UTC Case Docket Details

Docket Number 240652

Case Docket Details Table
Docket Number UG-240652
Company Avista Corporation
DBA Avista Utilities
Filing Type Tariff Revision
Industry (Code) Natural Gas (150)
Status Pending
Lead Staff Cook, Corey (UTC)
Filed Date 08/30/2024
Effective Date 11/15/2024
Summary Revises Tariff No. WN U-29 to increase funding collected under Avista’s natural gas tariff Schedule 192, Low-Income Rate Assistance Program (LIRAP), in alignment with the provisions of RCW 80.28.425(2) and the Commission’s Final Order No. 10/04 in the Company’s most recently approved general rate case (GRC), Docket Nos. UE-220053, UG-220054, and UE-210854 (Consolidated) and to comply with Section 24(b) of the Full Multiparty Settlement Stipulation (Settlement) approved within the GRC by providing an update on the progress made with the Company’s Energy Assistance Advisory Group (EAAG or Advisory Group) in determining a new administrative structure for future Program Years (PYs),2 and incorporating any warranted funding changes into the requested rate adjustment.

Event History

  • 11/07/2024 -- Open Meeting
  • 08/30/2024 -- Pending
  • 08/30/2024 -- Open