UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing UE - 240006


Document Type Date Description
Letter 02/07/2025 Redacted Request for Payment of Fund Grant, on behalf of The Energy Project, from Yochanan Zakai.
Compliance 01/31/2025 Workpapers demonstrating calculations of offsetting factors, as requested per Corrected Order 08, on behalf of Avista Corporation from Elizabeth Andrews.
Letter 01/17/2025 Redacted Request for Final Payment, on behalf of The Alliance of Western Energy Consumers from Anna Congdon.
Letter - Compliance Acknowledgment 12/31/2024 Compliance Acknowledgement Letter.
Letter - Staff Compliance Response 12/30/2024 Letter from staff confirming the Company's compliance with "Order 08".
Letter 12/23/2024 Revised Cover Letter RE: The Compliance Filing submitted on December 23, 2024, on behalf of Avista Corporation d/b/a Avista Utilities, from
Compliance 12/23/2024 Compliance Filing, on behalf of Avista Corporation d/b/a Avista Utilities, from Patrick Ehrbar.
Order - Adjudication Final 12/23/2024 Notice of Correction to Oder 08.
Order - Adjudication Final 12/20/2024 Order 08 Final Order.
Confidentiality Agreement 12/16/2024 Confidentiality Agreement signed by Brett Shearer, on behalf of Staff, from Jeff Roberson.
Response 12/10/2024 Response to Bench Request No. 3, on behalf of Avista Corporation d/b/a Avista Utilities from Paul Kimball.
Notice - Bench Request 12/10/2024 Notice of Bench Request No. 3.
Motion 11/12/2024 Motion to File a Limited Response and the Limited Response to Public Counsel’s Post-Hearing Brief, on behalf of the Alliance of Western Energy Consumers from Nannette Moller.
Transcript 10/01/2024 Transcript; Volume 4; October 01, 2024; Pages 372-479. (via email)
Brief 10/28/2024 Post-Hearing Brief, on behalf of NW Energy Coalition, from Michael Goetz.
Transcript 09/30/2024 Transcript; Volume 3; September 30, 2024; Pages: 34-371. (via email)
Brief 10/29/2024 Post Hearing Brief on behalf of the Alliance of Western Energy Consumers, from Nannette M Moller.
Brief 10/28/2024 Post-Hearing Brief, on behalf of Walmart Inc., from Justina Caviglia.
Brief 10/28/2024 Post-Hearing Brief, on behalf of The Energy Project, from Yochanan Zakai.
Brief 10/28/2024 Post-Hearing Brief on behalf of Staff, from Jeff Roberson
Brief 10/28/2024 Redacted Post-Hearing Brief, on Public Counsel, from Tad Robinson O’Neill.
Brief 10/28/2024 Post-Hearing Brief, on behalf of the Avista Corporation, d/b/a Avista Utilities, from David Meyer.
Brief 10/28/2024 Post-Hearing Brief, on behalf of the Sierra Club, from Maddie Lipscomb.
Response 10/22/2024 Response to Bench Request No. 2, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Tad Robinson O'Neill.
Response - Bench Request 10/22/2024 Response to Bench Request No. 2, on behalf of Avista Corporation d/b/a Avista Utilities, from Paul Kimball.
Response - Bench Request 10/22/2024 Response to Bench Request No. 2, on behalf of Staff, from Jeff Roberson
Notice - Bench Request 10/15/2024 Notice of Bench Request.
Comment 10/08/2024 Public Comment Exhibits BR-1 and UTC Comment Matrix, Attachments 1-3, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Tad Robinson O'Neill.
Letter 10/08/2024 Subject to Check Witness Erdahl Letter, on behalf of Staff, from Lisa Gafken
Motion 10/01/2024 Motion for Leave to include an additional proposed cross-examination exhibit of Shawn Bonfield. on behalf of Public Counsel, from Brice Hartman.
Testimony 10/01/2024 Cross-Exhibits of Shawn Bonfield, on behalf of Avista Corp. d/b/a Avista Utilities, from David Meyer.
Motion 09/26/2024 Motion for Leave to File Revised Cross-Exhibit, revised Cross-Exhibit and revised Exhibit List, on behalf of Staff, from Colin O'Brien.
Motion 09/26/2024 Motion for Leave to Distribute and Additional Cross-Examination Exhibit, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Tad O'Neill.
Testimony 09/25/2024 Redacted Cross-Exhibits of Adrien McKenzie and Kevin Christie, on behalf of Avista Corporation, from David Meyer.
Motion 09/24/2024 Redacted Motion for Leave to File Revised Cross-Answering Testimony of Kristen Hillstead, on behalf of Staff, from Jeff Roberson
Exhibit - List 09/20/2024 Revised Exhibit List, on behalf of Avista Corporation d/b/a Avista Utilities, from David Meyer.
Recording 09/20/2024 Virtual Public Comment Hearing - 9_19_2024
Exhibit - List 09/17/2024 Redacted Cross-Exhibits on behalf of Alliance of Western Energy Consumers, from Anna V. Congdon.
Exhibit - List 09/16/2024 Cross-Examination Exhibits and Updated Exhibits List, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Brice Hartman
Exhibit - List 09/16/2024 Exhibit List and consolidated Cross Estimates, on behalf of Avista Corporation, from Paul Kimball.
Exhibit - List 09/16/2024 Exhibit List, on behalf of the Sierra Club, from Leah Bahramipour.
Exhibit - List 09/16/2024 Redacted Cross-Exhibit List and Cross-Exhibits, on behalf of Staff, from Jeff Roberson
Exhibit - List 09/16/2024 Exhibit list, on behalf of NW Energy Coalition, from Michael Goetz.
Exhibit - List 09/16/2024 Exhibits List, on behalf of Walmart Inc., from Justina A. Caviglia.
Document 09/10/2024 Joint Issues Lists on behalf of Avista Corporation d/b/a Avista Utilities, from David Meyer.
Confidentiality Agreement 09/10/2024 Confidentiality agreement of Michael Goetz, on behalf of NW Energy Coalition, from Michael Goetz.
Confidentiality Agreement 09/04/2024 Confidentiality Agreement signed by Corey Dahl, on behalf of Staff, from Jeff Roberson.
Motion 08/29/2024 Redacted Motion for Leave to File Revised Cross-Answering Testimony of John Wilson, on behalf of Staff, from Josephine Strauss.
Testimony 08/16/2024 Cross-Answering Testimony and Exhibits of William Gherke and Charlee Thompson , on behalf of the NW Energy Coalition from Michael Goetz.
Testimony 08/16/2024 Cross-Answering Testimony of Robert Earle, Mark Garrett and David Dismukes, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Brice Hartman.
Testimony 08/16/2024 Redacted Cross-Answering Testimony and Exhibits of Kristen Hillstead and John Wilson, and Exhibit List, on behalf of Staff, from Jeff Roberson.
Letter 08/16/2024 Company Not Submitting Cross Answering Testimony, on behalf of Walmart Inc., from Justina Caviglia.
Testimony 08/16/2024 Cross-Answering Testimony of Jim Dennison, on behalf of Sierra Club, from Maddie Lipscomb.
Testimony 08/16/2024 Redacted Rebuttal Testimony and Exhibits on behalf of Avista Corporation, from Paul Kimball.
Notice of Hearing 08/16/2024 Notice of Virtual Public Comment Hearing (set for Thursday, September 19, 2024, at 6 p.m.)
Testimony 08/16/2024 Cross-Answering Testimony of Bradley Mullins and Lance Kaufman, on behalf of the Alliance of Western Energy Consumers (AWEC), from Nannette Moller.
Letter 08/12/2024 Notification of a Change of Representative, on behalf of Walmart Inc., from Justina Caviglia.
Order - Other 08/07/2024 Order 07 Denying Staff's Motion for Partial Summary Determination.
Notice 07/31/2024 Notice of Substitution of Counsel, on behalf of the NW Energy Coalition (NWEC), from F. Diego Rivas.
Confidentiality Agreement 07/26/2024 Confidentiality Agreement signed by Jaime McGovern, on behalf of Walmart, Inc., from Justina Caviglia.
Motion 07/23/2024 Redacted Motion for Leave to File Revised Testimony, proposed Revised Testimony and Exhibit List, on behalf of Staff, from Josephine Strauss.
Response - Bench Request 07/23/2024 Redacted Response to Bench Request No. 1, on behalf of Staff, from Jeff Roberson
Notice - Bench Request 07/18/2024 Notice of Bench Request (Due by 5 p.m., Friday, July 26, 2024).
Notice 07/17/2024 Notice of Substitution of Co-Presiding Officer.
Exhibit - List 07/12/2024 Exhibits List reflecting the document submitted with the July 3, 20224 testimony filing, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Brice Hartman.
Testimony 07/03/2024 Testimony and Exhibits of Lisa V. Perry, on Behalf of Walmart Inc., from Justina Caviglia.
Testimony 07/03/2024 Redacted Response Testimony and Exhibits for Bradley Mullins and Lance Kaufman, on behalf of Alliance of Western Energy Consumers, from Nannette Moller.
Testimony 07/03/2024 Testimony and Exhibits of Shaylee Stokes and Roger Colton, on behalf of The Energy Project, from Yochanan Zakai.
Workpapers 07/03/2024 Redacted Workpapers, on behalf Public Counsel, from Tad O'Neill.
Testimony 07/03/2024 Redacted Response Testimony and Exhibits, on behalf Public Counsel, from Tad O'Neill.
Testimony 07/03/2024 Response Testimony and Exhibits of Jim Dennison, on behalf of Sierra Club, from Leah Bahramipour.
Testimony 07/03/2024 Redacted Testimony and Exhibits and Exhibit List, on behalf of Staff, from Jeff Roberson.
Testimony 07/01/2024 Response Testimony and Exhibits, on behalf of NW Energy Coalition, from F. Diego Rivas.
Petition 06/18/2024 Petition to Increase Customer Representation Sub-Fund, on behalf of the Alliance of Western Energy Consumers, from Nannette Moller.
Confidentiality Agreement 06/07/2024 Notice of Appearance and Confidentiality Agreement of Josh Kirmsse, on behalf of The Energy Project, from Yochanan Zakai.
Confidentiality Agreement 06/06/2024 Confidentiality Agreement Signed by Robert Sykes, Elizabeth Thornton and Grace Monastrial and Notice of Appearance of Tad O'Neill, Jessica Johanson-Kubin and Robert Sykes, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Brice Hartman.
Confidentiality Agreement 05/24/2024 Confidentiality Agreement signed by Byron Harmon, on behalf of Staff, from Jeff Roberson
Confidentiality Agreement 05/16/2024 Confidentiality Agreement signed by Suren Kumar, on behalf of Staff, from Jeff Roberson.
Exhibit - Final 05/13/2024 Revised electronic copies of Exhibits JDM-4 and JDM-7, on behalf of Avista Corporation d/b/a Avista Utilities from David Meyer.
Confidentiality Agreement 05/09/2024 Confidentiality Agreement signed by Jackson Lone, on behalf of Staff, from Josephine Strauss
Confidentiality Agreement 05/08/2024 Confidentiality Agreement signed by Brandon Lombardino, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Brice Hartman.
Response 05/06/2024 Reply in Support of Motion for Partial Summary Determination, on behalf of Staff, from Jeff Roberson
Response 05/06/2024 Reply to Avista Corporation, dba Avista Utilities response staff, on behalf of Alliance of Western Energy Consumers, from Jesse O. Gorsuch.
Response 05/06/2024 Public Counsel's Reply to Avista Corporation, dba Avista Utilities Response to Staff's Motion for partial summary determination, on behalf of public counsel from, Tad Robinson.
Confidentiality Agreement 05/07/2024 Confidentiality Agreements Exhibits A signed by Jessica Johanson-Kubin, and Exhibit B Signed by Paul Alvarez and Dennis Stephens on behalf of Public Counsel, from Brice Hartman
Letter 05/07/2024 Request to Update the Main Service List, on behalf of the Alliance of Western Energy Consumers (AWEC), from Nannette Moller.
Confidentiality Agreement 05/07/2024 Confidentiality Agreement signed by Laura Henry, on behalf of Staff, from Jeff Roberson.
Confidentiality Agreement 05/07/2024 Confidentiality Agreement signed by Roger Colton, on behalf of the Energy Project, from Yochanan Zakai.
Confidentiality Agreement 05/03/2024 Confidentiality Agreement, on behalf of Alliance of Western Energy Consumers, from Nannette Moller.
Notice 04/25/2024 Notice Inviting Reply to Avista's Response to Staff's Motion for Summary Determination (Due by Monday, May 6, 2024).
Confidentiality Agreement 04/22/2024 Confidentiality Agreements signed by Jana Grenn and Sean Laue, on behalf of Staff, from Jeff Roberson.
Response 04/17/2024 Response to Staff’s Motion for Leave to File Reply, on behalf of Avista Corporation, dba Avista Utilities, from Paul Kimball.
Motion 04/17/2024 Motion for Leave to Reply, on behalf of Staff, by Jeff Roberson.
Confidentiality Agreement 04/16/2024 Confidentiality Agreement of Jean Marie Dreyer and Stefan de Villiers, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Brice C. Hartman.
Order - Other 04/12/2024 Order 06 Approving Proposed Budgets and Fund Grants.
Order - Other 04/12/2024 Order 05 Granting Requests for Case Certification
Response 04/09/2024 Reply to Staff's Motion for Partial Summary Determination, on behalf of Avista Corporation d/b/a Avista Utilities, from David Meyer.
Response 04/09/2024 Reply to Staff's Motion for Partial Summary Determination, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Brice Hartman
Order - Other 04/03/2024 Order 06 Approving Proposed Budgets and Fund Grants.
Order - Other 04/03/2024 Order 05 Granting Requests for Case Certification.
Confidentiality Agreement 04/03/2024 Confidentiality Agreement signed by Sophie Meyer, on behalf of Staff, from Jeff Roberson.
Notice - Appearance 03/28/2024 Notice of Appearance of Gloria Smith, on behalf of Sierra Club, from Gloria Smith.
Confidentiality Agreement 03/28/2024 Confidentiality Agreements signed by Gloria Smith and Jim Dennison, on behalf of Sierra Club, from Maddie Lipscomb.
Document 03/21/2024 Proposed Budget, on behalf of The Energy Project, from Yochanan Zakai.
Document 03/21/2024 Proposed Budget for Fund Grant, on behalf of NW Energy Coalition , from F. Diego Rivas.
Document 03/21/2024 Proposed Budget for Fund Grant, on behalf of Alliance of Western Energy Consumers, from Jesse Gorsuch.
Transcript 02/20/2024 Transcript; Volume 1; February 20, 2024; Pages 1-20. (via email)
Motion 03/20/2024 Motion for Partial Summary Determination and Declaration of Kristen Hillstead, on behalf of Staff, from Jeff Roberson.
Order - Other 03/15/2024 Order 04 Order Granting Motion for Relief, in Part.
Confidentiality Agreement 03/12/2024 Confidentiality Agreements signed by Chris McGuire and Konstantine Geranios, on behalf of Staff, from Jeff Roberson.
Confidentiality Agreement 03/08/2024 Confidentiality Agreements signed by Yochanan Zakai and Shaylee Stokes, on behalf of The Energy Project (TEP), from Yochanan Zakai.
Motion 03/07/2024 Motion for Relief on behalf of Public Counsel, from Tad O’Neill.
Confidentiality Agreement 03/05/2024 Confidentiality Agreements signed by Justina A. Caviglia on behalf of Walmart Inc., from Justina A. Caviglia.
Confidentiality Agreement 03/04/2024 Confidentiality Agreements signed by F. Diego Rivas, Lauren McCloy, Will Gehrke, and Charlee Thompson, on behalf of NW Energy Coalition (NWEC), from F. Diego Rivas.
Confidentiality Agreement 03/01/2024 Confidentiality Agreements, signed by Staff, from Jeff Roberson.
Confidentiality Agreement 02/29/2024 Confidentiality Agreements signed by Tad Robinson O'Neill, Roman Doyonnas, Brice Hartman, Corey Dahl, Stephanie Chase, David Dismukes, Michael Deupree, Melissa Firestone, Elizabeth Thornton, Nicolas Alvarez, Roberto Hasbun, Taylor Deshotels, Tyler French, Emily Mouch, Callie Sheuermann, Emily Starszak, Jackson Gaspard, David Garrett, Robert Earle, Mark Garrett, Heather Garrett and Ed Farrar, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Brice Hartman.
Confidentiality Agreement 02/29/2024 Confidentiality Agreements signed by Tyler Pepple, Sommer Moser, Corinne Olson, Jesse Gorsuch, Bradley Mullins and Lance Kaufman, on behalf of the Alliance of Western Energy Consumers (AWEC), from Jesse Gorsuch.
Order - Protective 02/27/2024 Order 03 Protective Order
Order - Prehearing Conference 02/27/2024 Order 02 Prehearing Conference Order; Notice of Hearing (Evidentiary Hearing set for September 30 - October 1, 2024, at 9 a.m.).
Notice 02/16/2024 Notice of Intent to Request a Fund Grant, on behalf of The Energy Project, from Yochanan Zakai.
Petition 02/15/2024 Petition for Leave to Intervene, on behalf of Walmart Inc., from Justina Caviglia.
Petition 02/15/2024 Petition to Intervene, on behalf of Sierra Club, from Maddie Lipscomb.
Petition 02/15/2024 Petition for Case Certification and Notice of Intent to Request a Fund Grant, on behalf of NW Energy Coalition (NWEC), from F. Diego Rivas.
Petition 02/14/2024 Petition to Intervene, on behalf of NW Energy Coalition (NWEC), from F. Diego Rivas.
Petition 02/14/2024 Petition for Case Certification and Notice of Intent to Request Fund Grant, on behalf of the Alliance of Western Energy Consumers (AWEC), from Jesse Gorsuch.
Notice of Hearing 02/08/2024 Notice of Virtual Prehearing Conference (Set for February 20, 2024, at 9:30 a.m.)
Petition 02/06/2024 Petition to Intervene, on behalf of the Alliance of Western Energy Consumers, from Jesse Gorsuch.
Petition 02/02/2024 Petition to Intervene, on behalf of The Energy Project (TEP), from Yochanan Zakai.
Notice - Appearance 02/02/2024 Notice of Appearance for Lisa Gafken, on behalf of Staff, from Lisa Gafken.
Order - Complaint with Consolidation 01/31/2024 Order 1 Complaint and Order Suspending Tariff Revisions; Order of Consolidation.
Testimony 01/25/2024 Redacted Revised Pages of Testimony of Kevin Christie, Marcus Garbarino, Joel Anderson and Exhibit of Clint Kalich, on behalf of Avista Corporation d/b/a Avista Utilities, from David Meyer. (Files: 240006-07-AVA-Exh-JDM-4-RY1-01-18-24.xlsx, 240006-07-AVA-Exh-JDM-4-RY2-01-18-24.xlsx, and 240006-07-AVA-Exh-JDM-7-RY1-01-18-24.xlsx were re-submitted on May 13, 2024 in Docket 240006 to protect sensitive customer data, and have been removed from this document set.)
Notice - Appearance 01/22/2024 Notice of Appearance on behalf of Public Counsel, from Tad O’Neill.
Notice - Appearance 01/22/2024 Notice of Appearance, on behalf of Staff, from Jeff Roberson.
Motion 01/19/2024 Motion for a Partial Waiver of WAC 480-07-510, on behalf of Avista Corporation d/b/a Avista Utilities, from David Meyer.
Testimony 01/18/2024 Redacted Testimony and Exhibits, on behalf of Avista Corporation d/b/a Avista Utilities, from David Meyer. (Files: 240006-07-AVA-Exh-JDM-7-RY1-01-18-24.xlsx, 240006-07-AVA-Exh-JDM-4-RY2-01-18-24.xlsx, 240006-07-AVA-Exh-JDM-7-RY2-01-18-24.xlsx, and 240006-07-AVA-Exh-JDM-4-RY1-01-18-24.xlsx were re-submitted on May 13, 2024 in Docket 240006 to protect sensitive customer data, and have been removed from this document set.)
Initial Filing 01/18/2024 Revises Tariff No. WN U-28, on behalf of Avista Corporation d/b/a Avista Utilities, from David Meyer.
Letter 01/03/2024 Notice of Intent to File its General Rate Case within the near future, on behalf of Avista Corporation d/b/a Avista Utilities, from Elizabeth Andrews. (via web portal)